North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
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SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - May 11, 2019

This might be my last year hosting these KLR tech days, since attendance has dropped off and most people aren't working on their bikes as much these days. Also, I still don't know if I'm done riding altogether, since my lingering vertigo is still a problem (resulting from a Shingles infection in 2017).  I'll decide later this year.  I still have lots of Gen-1 KLR take-off parts, so I'm selling most of it just to start clearing out the garage.

Still, quite a few people showed up and we worked on several bikes.  It was a good day overall.

We did a couple of drill-through subframe bolts, Alan helped with four doohickey jobs.  Several other misc jobs got done.

We even had competent supervision.

It was very nice to see new KLR owners getting into working on their bikes. I thank them for also providing breakfast burritos and other snacks. Young Guns, and very welcome.

We had three bikes in the main garage bay getting doo jobs and other work.

A couple dozen people showed up and that was more than we've had at other recent tech days. Very encouraging. We'll do it again in September, and if the turnout stays high, I'll keep doing them. I'm happy to provide the location for these community get-togethers, and I do enjoy seeing how people help each other out and share their knowlege and experience.

The link to this event discussion, is HERE along with photos taken by others.

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