SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - September 8, 2018
Perfect weather, although a bit brisk for those who rode down early. Lots of deer on the roads and in the yard.
A smaller turnout than usual, which seems to be a trend these days. Maybe tech days are losing popularity. I'll keep doing them as long as they help the community out. No Gen-2 KLRs this time, either. Weird.
Alan and Tanner arrived just before 9am.
Tanner got his bike into the garage and he and Alan got to work on the Doohickey.
Graham arrived with his V-Strom. He had an engine leak that has been pestering him.
Arrivals slowly showed up. Usually I have a crowd in my driveway before 10am.
This was my buddy Don's KLR that he rode most of the way around South America with me. Although he didn't finish the whole circuit, this bike has been in adventurous places. Ken owns it now, and I'm happy to see it back on the road. I was able to find some parts that came off the bike and he will get them re-installed.
Many came just to hang out, which I am very happy about, because sometimes they help others out.
Sometimes they assist with cooking the food or something else helpful.
Some bikes got a little bit done, some got more things wrenched on.
It wasn't a hectic day at all, which was good since only Alan (among my typical cadre of helpers) showed up.
I think only three bikes at a time were in the garage bays getting worked on. I've had six bike in the three bays at the same time on past tech days.
Some people needed no help, but maybe just some tools, or maybe just an excuse to get out with other wrenchers and wrench on stuff.
Seems legit.
This bike was missing a few parts. So... needs a frame, engine, wheels... usual stuff.
Many thanks to those who brought brats, burgers, stuffed mushrooms, bacon-wrapped stuffed jalapenos.
I know that sometimes things happen and plans change, but I was sorry to see some folks not show up.
Thanks again, also, to those who brought paper towels and other items to help everyone out. Those things do get used up.
Finally, I don't want to make a "thing" out of this, but I sold a couple small items and never found the money in the donation jar. If I sold or provided parts or materials to you, maybe come to the next tech day (in May, 2019) and drop a few extra bucks in the jar. As far as I can tell, no tools went missing, so YAY!
We'll do it again in the spring.
The link to this event discussion, is HERE
And the Facebook tech day page is HERE
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