North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
Welcome to Colorado!

SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - May 12, 2018

About 20 people showed up (I think a couple didn't sign in on the whiteboard), and quite a few bikes got worked on.

The coffee was on early, since it was overcast and a little cool.  But, hey, it's Colorado so it warmed up very nicely later in the morning.

My thanks to those who showed up with food--especially early.  The brats and pork chops went on the grill at midday.

It was mild enough that it was easy to work in the driveway rather than wait for a space in the garage bays to open up.

Recent warm weather and lots of rain lately has the scrub oak leafing out earlier than usual.

Graham tried diagnosing the wiring done by his bike's previous owner, but I think it ended up being easier for him to bypass some of it.

Francis's wheel bearings were toast, and the retaining clip was corroded in place (not a KLR).  Took some bad thoughts and controlled violence to finally get it all out.

It's been a couple years since I've helped work on fork tubes, so I had forgotten a lot.  We did three sets of tubes (seals and some bushings), and I don't think I ended up being much help.  Had to refer to the manual a lot.  And the tool I had made and used in the past somehow no longer worked, so I blame aliens.  Had to bodge up a retaining tool from a piece of bar stock that I happened to have on hand.

Here's a doo spring that hadn't gotten eaten up yet.  Alan was happy to have helped get this one fixed.
Folks, check your engine's doohickey parts--both Gen-1 and Gen-2 bikes have these springs.  The torsion spring replacement is a surer part.

Decent turnout, but some of the intended tasks never got done.  We had time to eventually get to them all, but a couple of the usual helpers didn't show up.

I forgot to stock some beer, but we had lots of coffee, cocoa, water and sodas.  The six-pack of... what was it...Apricot Blonde?... was pretty good.  Thanks, also to those who brought food, ice, and a helpful community attitude.

The link to this event discussion, is HERE .

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