North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
Welcome to Colorado!

SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - September 10, 2016

A lighter than usual turnout but more bikes worked on than normal.  Another broken doohickey found.

Alan, Bill, and others came to help out, and as usual their help was great.

Another broken doohickey.  I didn't get the specs on bike's year and mileage.

I still have the broken doo, and it'll go up on the display.  Most people keep their broken doo parts, so I appreciate it when someone leaves them with me.  Others get to see the display and learn to be concerned.

Great weather for the day.

I think all but a couple people signed in. I hope everyone had enough food and got done the things they hoped to get done.

The link to this complete event discussion, but no photos is HERE.  What?  Everyone's camera was broken?  That's different.

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