SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - May 11, 2013
Those who showed up early got to work right away. Others filtered in through the day.The weather was nice, despite a couple light sprinkles.
Getting Asatrur's bike ready for the Dinosaur Run.
A steady but not hectic day.
SnowMule Mike helped show me some things with the new (to me) 525EXC.
My KTM got some brake and carb work, too.
How many people to change a tire? And how many times to get it right?
Doing the doohickey.
Subframe drill-through bolt upgrade.
Not as large a turnout as usual, but several bikes got worked on.
At the end, some of us just hung out and chatted.
We'll plan on doing all this again in the Autumn.
The link to this complete event discussion, including photos and comments from others is HERE.
The link to many more photos of this event is HERE.
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