SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - April 24, 2010
Well, we had a nice light tech day. I think there were eight people who showed up. Got a few doos done and two torsion springs installed. The company was good, the weather turned out very nice in the afternoon, and nothing went wrong. Woo hoo!
Thanks especially to Alan and Kelly for helping with the doos.
I also knocked some sealed bearings into Laurie's rear wheel, replaced her tail light with an LED one, and we replaced her handlebars with taller, stronger ones. We didn't get her luggage racks installed because I had accidentally ordered the 2008-style racks. We'll get those swapped out and installed soon. While we were wrenching, the postman delivered a package that was supposed to be a couple long shifter levers, but there was only one lever in the box and it wasn't a long lever. Fark. We'll get that fixed, too.
Laurie and I will be doing some easy Colorado dirt roads in the next few weeks so she can get more experience with her KLR on unpaved roads. We will post our intentions in case anyone wants to join us. Many rides will be on weekdays, some on weekends.
The next tech day here will be on May 8th. (I should have my motor delivered and installed by then.)
I'll put in a reminder for the tech day next week.
The link to this complete event report (including both April 24th and May 8th), including photos and comments from others is HERE
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