North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
Welcome to Colorado!

SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - September 16, 2006

Last of three old tech day reports that I never wrote up back in 2005 and 2006.  Just fond memories now, since I don't remember many of the details.

Alan has been a steady and most appreciated helper at these tech days.  This was back when his bike was red.

StrayDog Dave came to lots of the earlier tech days, and always brought "interesting" snacks...

...such as this tropical stinkfruit.  Where do you even *find* stuff like this?  One year he brought a branch loaded with unripe almonds.  Very tasty.

Don't remember who's bike this came off, but it looks just like mine did coming off a 2005 KLR with about 5,000 miles on it.  Spring was broken at one end and almost eaten through by the balancer chain.  This is why the doohickey jobs get done.

Phil and John came to several tech days and helped others out.  They are always welcome back.  I recognize almost everyone in these old photos, but I can't match the names and faces anymore for most of them.

Gonna have to direct old friends to this newly-created report of an old tech day.  Memories, you know?

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