North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
Welcome to Colorado!

SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Day - September 10, 2011

The tech day went very well. One broken doohickey found, no catastrophes.

As usual, plenty of folks showed up, some to work on their bikes, some to help others, some just to hang out and watch. It's all good.

Bill rode up from Amarillo, Texas and stayed with us Friday night. We got started on his doohickey right away, almost before anyone else had showed up.

But before long, more and more riders filled the driveway.

Including some really small riders.

Damon (with sunglasses on his head) brought a couple friends with KLRs, and one of them got plenty of attention.

He didn't just get plenty of attention because of his hi-tech highway footrest...

...but also because his bike was the only one with a broken doohickey.

The broken collar piece (which had another big crack in it) was fished out of the oil sump, so that hazard was averted.

Graham brought his new-to-him KTM 950, and worked on it all afternoon. Nice bikes, but complex to work on--even to do fairly routine maintenance.

Some brand-new bikes got new doohickey levers installed, along with a few other mods. (Thanks again to Rusty, who made a couple of bike stands for us to use. They did come in handy.)

As usual, Alan (in the red chair) showed up to help several people with their bikes.

Brent stopped by on his way to work, but since there was no crime taking place, he didn't have to get into any off-duty hassles.

About twenty community members signed in. I hope everyone had enough food.

Thanks again to Alan, Damon, and Kelly for helping others, to Ken for the brats, and to those who contributed food, beer, ice, and funny stories.

It's too bad we didn't get decent photos of David's KLR, which he has outfitted for his Round-the World ride. He has finished his ride to Alaska and is slowly working his way to California, then to South America. Africa after that, as I recall. We enjoyed his company Friday and Saturday nights, and we wish him the best of luck on his adventure.

Ken stayed until the bitter end, helping Graham get his KTM back together.


The link to this complete event discussion, including photos and comments from others is HERE

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