North of Durango
SgtMarty’s Place
Welcome to Colorado!

SgtMarty KLR650 Tech Weekend - September 18-19, 2010

Whew! What a weekend. Over twenty bikes on Saturday and most of them got some wrenching done on them. Sunday saw another dozen or so folks, some of whom returned for another day of working on their bikes or helping others.

The big surprise was the appearance of Eagle Mike from San Diego, who drove in with his beautiful lady Geneva to help with the chaos. Mike provided several door prizes for our trivia games, and I added some 12-volt and foot-powered air pumps. Since Mike is "The Man' when it comes to the doohickey lever and other KLR650 mods, his appearance and help was deeply appreciated. Most of those here had not met him before, so it was nice that others got to enjoy Mike and Geneva's company.

Saturday was busy, busy. We had a circle of bikes doing the doo, with Alan, Kelly, Zach, Mike, Phil, Laura, Brent, and Scott helping out (I hope I didn't forget anyone, but I get confused easily...). The KLR community and skill-sharing is one of the wonderful aspects of these tech days.

Several valve checks and swingarm adjustments, one mechanical seal replacement, a shock replacement, other various jobs all got done. Whee!

Laura and Stan had stayed the weekend at our home, so we got to enjoy breakfast and dinner together, with Mike and Geneva joining us. It was a long day, and most were as busy as they wanted to be. "Disco" John came up from Alamogordo, New Mexico, so he wins the mileage contest -- but Damn! he got a lot of stuff done on his bike this weekend. (John's leaking petcock and carb took a few hours of my time on Sunday, and I sincerely hope that it got fixed for good.)

Sunday started early again, with Scott, Zach, and John returning to help, and BJ came down again to add to the fun. Laura and Mike were once more jumping into various projects. Our nephew, David, returned to help Laurie with running the grill, and much food was consumed.

Unfortunately, after the weekend was over, I was once again missing some tools from my tool kits, so if anyone finds them among your own toolkits, get them back to me, okay?  I thank those who donated parts and supplies for others to use this weekend or at some future event. These donations eventually get used by someone, and the Karma credit is good.

We'll do it again next Spring. Just be careful with collecting tools at the end of it all, please.

Epilogue:  Zach and Jon Wright donated some tools to make up for those that went missing, so all is good.  What great guys!

The link to this complete event report, including photos and comments from others is HERE

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